Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tag, Your're It!

Mandi tagged me, I think mostly because she is seriously annoyed with the organization of folders on my computer and she wanted to prove a point. Okay, you win. The fourth picture in the fourth folder was a .psd file, and you didn't say what happens when you have subfolders in the folder. So I took some "this is my blog and I can do what I want" privileges and chose one that was close to the 4th picture and in the 4th folder.

I look forward to the beginning of the month, because it means designers make new quickpage desktops for freebies. It takes ten seconds to throw a picture or two in, and it makes me happy that it makes Kristi happy :) I could probably delete this entire folder as they are desktops from previous months and I don't really need them. But isn't Chloe just the cutest???

Just added to the to-do list: organize desktop folders before Mandi comes to visit.

Anybody else wanna play? Go to your Pictures folder, open the fourth folder and post the fourth picture in that folder. Leave a link in the comments so I can see!